Friday 9 December 2011

Wile E Coyote & the Road Runner

For those of you who grew up watching Warner Bros cartoons, you would be familiar with Wile E Coyote and the Road Runner. My brother and I used to laugh till we cried at the stupidity of The Coyote and marveled at how 'smart' the Road Runner was.

Idiopathic Anaphylaxis (IA) can be seen as The Coyote. And we are the Road Runner. No one can answer to why The Coyote chose to destroy the Road Runner over and over again even though he fails EVERY SINGLE TIME! Neither can anyone answer to why Idiopathic Anaphylaxis 'attacks' certain people over and over again and not others.

But one thing that we can learn from the cartoon is that the Road Runner ALWAYS outruns, beats up The Coyote and wins. Why? Because the Road Runner is smart.

So I am going to continue on being 'smart' and will TNT this Idiopathic Anaphylaxis and cause it to careen and fall off the cliff. How? Let me tell you how.

1. Pull Back

In difficult and depressing times, people suffocate me. I need solitude and silence to get out from the pits of depression. This works for me. You need to find what works for you.

2. Hide in Your Cav

My house is my safe haven. Others see me as a prisoner of my own home. But I am safe in here. And I am glad that I still have a place that is 'safe'. And I will stay home and hide until I am better and stronger. Find YOUR safe haven.

3. Go Back to Basics

Diet will be 100% salicylate free for the time being. And I will make sure I do not expose myself to any chemicals for the time being until I am stronger.

4. Stop Condemning Yourself

Of course as a mother and as a person, I wish I could just drop everything and just leave for holidays on the spot. I wish I do not need to plan everything (including trips to malls or every single outing) in such detailed manner. My meticulous planning will even put the White House Secret Service to shame. But it is a necessity to do this, in order for me to stay alive and well. And I will TRY to stop condemning myself!

5. Learn to Accept that Regress is in Fact Progress

I have gone backwards in my journey in attempting to regain my health and life back. What does not break me, makes me stronger. Going through this will make me even stronger.

6. You Have to Just Keep on Pushing

You just have to keep on going no matter what happens. Even when depression strikes. Even when the only door that seems to be open is the 'Give Up Door'.

7. Sleep and Eat All That You Can

Since chemical-free food and sleep are my weapons in fighting Idiopathic Anaphylaxis, I shall sleep and eat all I can. Yes, even if it means 12-straight-hours-of-sleep for days or weeks or months.

8. Find An Outlet

Writing, music, gardening (envisioning IA in the soil and me digging furiously to 'kill' it) de-stresses me. Find something that you can channel your frustrations into.

9. Stress Factor

Stress is a major factor in reducing our body's natural immunity. And a stressed-out system is an open door for IA to act up. And I am still learning at how to 'control' my stress level. I am thinking of yoga.

10. Join A Support Group

I am very, very glad that I found a support group who speaks in the same language that I do. The moderator, Candace Van Auken is an amazing lady who has helped a lot in sharing with me information and in encouraging me. The members there are wonderful too. All of you wonderful ladies have been amazing. I am learning something new everyday. I tried looking for people like me in Malaysia. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack. This group has been a blessing and I am extremely grateful and blessed to have found them. I dedicate this post to all of you strong, women of steel. Thank you.

I would like to thank all of you who have been encouraging me via e-mails, SMS-es and comments on my blog. I am truly grateful for your words. And to all you silent readers, thank you!

P.s.: I would love to downsize IA to the size of that coyote and squash it under my feet once and for all! ;)


  1. Hi, my name is Lisa and I'm from Louisiana.
    This is my story hopefully someone can help me with this. In 2001 I went in to have a routine gallbladder surgery and was given Demerol which I am allergic to. I went into anaphylatic shock from it, the reaction was the worst one I have ever had before. I stayed in ICU for days with all kind of breathing problems and other things. I have been allergic to Demerol for years first starting with vomiting and with each reaction getting worse. It always went away in a few days after the reaction but this time my systems never went away. I keep having all kinds of reactions to things I was never allergic to before this. Doctors here just don't know what it is they are saying it's asthma but I have never had asthma before nor do I have a family history of asthma. I have since started researching on my own I can't be the only person in the world that this has happen to. My reactions are so bad that I have to carry a epi-pen everywhere I go, this has gone on for over 10 yrs now and still no help and doctors just don't know why. I;m looking for a good doctor that treats for anaphylaxis that can help me. I know there are none in Louisiana but I'm hoping to find one close. I have since been disabled from this so I now have medicare, I can't work any more because I'm always sick never knowing what I am going to react to. I love to hear from others out there to maybe tell me what to do, and where I can get some help. thanks, Lisa

  2. Hi Lisa. I have joined this support group on Yahoo and the moderator named Candace can help you.

    Click on this link and join as a member and then post your message there. There are women on that group who knows doctors in US who can help people like us. I am not from the US. I will forward your post here to them too.

    I hope that you will find the answers that you are looking for and that you will at least know what causes your reactions and how to protect yourself from them.

    I wish you all the best and good health. May you have your breakthrough in 2012. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


  3. I'm sick of the Roadrunner winning against Wile E. just as other people are.

    Even though I don't love that coyote, I sometimes wish that he'd kill that bird. Sure, I like birds better than mamamls. But not when it comes to this Looney Tune scenario.

    Hell, it's always the same thing with this: The Roadrunner wins aginst Wile E. Coyote Does he seem to have some kind of power? If so, that makes me jealous 'cause I want that power for myself.

    I'm tired of the Roadrunner being invincible just as I'm jealous cartoon characters having abilities that real beings don't have. I want those abilities.
